Wednesday, May 13, 2009

a long day...

No pics yet, but dear Mr. Honeysuckle took me to the stockyard and bought me nine biddies today! We actually went after a milk goat, but there weren't any good ones, and we took a liking to the aracauna biddies that an older couple had for sale on the lot...We're envisioning blue eggs in a few months!
We almost bought 37 biddies from another man! We came within a hair of it! I just LOVE those cute little things...and it was a very good price, but we hesitated because they were just hatched last night, and we knew we'd have our hands full with all the other animals and garden to look after...Maybe later! Keeping my fingers crossed!
The yellow squash are coming in by the tub-fulls, so we'll be having lots of smothered squash, casseroles, and have enough to freeze.
It's time to hit the sack. It's been a BUSY week, and I'm so sore and tired!
Recapping the week so far:
Monday we picked beans, and I stayed up until 2:00am snapping, blanching, and bagging them up.
Tuesday I cleaned house, rearranged some furniture, and more I can't even remember.
Today we went to the stockyard, went to my MIL's and had some fresh, warm banana pudding and coffee. Came home, got the biddies settled, cooked supper, and done some laundry afterward.
Mr. Honeysuckle wants to know what I'm going to dream up tomorrow!!
Before I open my eyes in the morning, I will know!
I'll let him know after he's had his coffee!! Ahem!

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