Monday, June 22, 2009

Have you missed me???

I have been SO busy, and it has been SO hot, I haven't had time to write....But that doesn't mean my head's been empty! LOL You know you have the BLOGGER bug when "everything" you do, you are constantly composing a post (in your head) about it!
THE LAST WEEK HAS BEEN SO OUT OF SYNC WITH THE HEAT, that I don't even remember most of it. But here are some pictures to remind myself, and give you a little glimpse into what I've been up to!!

The pretty flowers speak for themselves....Detergent bottle: Okay, I HATE wasting that last little bit of liquid detergent, so I fixed the problem....LOL
Views from Mr. Honeysuckle's truck, as we were heading down the road; Cornfields EVERYWHERE. You'd think you were in Iowa! LOL It's like a maze, and very disconcerting if you have claustrophobia, like me and Mr. H.

AND, in an effort to just start over again and try and put some ORDER back into my life, I'm going to post some "Daily Do's"...Bear with me, hopefully it won't be too awfully boring to you! But it is likely...
What have I done this morning?
More Coffee
What do I need to do today while Mr. Honeysuckle is AT WORK (Praise Jesus!)!
  • Strip bed....yes one bed :) Son's' rooms are off limits...Meaning I won't touch them with a 20 foot pole. I have enough trouble keeping up with my own tidying/cleaning and appreciate all the help I can get (Thank you Brandy Marie!)
  • Wash said bedding
  • Hang out said bedding
  • Other laundry
  • Hang out laundry
  • Tidy up house: That means go around picking up things and putting them in their proper place for the hundredth time over the past week.
  • TIDY front porch, sweep sidewalk, and somehow persuade my son to finish cutting the grass in front yard....Company coming sometime this week, know! If that doesn't work, then the horse will have to be tied out there...hmmm
  • Water plants-a MUST if I want living plants on the front porch!
  • Saving the very WORST for last----clean the kitchen thoroughly---that is if I can't persuade my sweet niece to come over and help with that daunting task! With peas, corn, and daily cooking it is a mess. It gets that way easier than you'd think...
  • Then mess it up again with "Supper"... (Will be posting there LATER...I need to get busy now before it gets too HOT again!)

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