Friday, June 18, 2010

Busy-busy.....with a little side finds...

It's been a long time since I blogged here! Can anyone say "FACEBOOK"?? LOL It is truly addictive. But I have enjoyed finding MANY long-lost friends, classmates, relatives, and new friends! I would love to be friends with everyone who reads and/or follows my blog too. You can find me under: Gaye Young Cooper. I also have a group on there under FeminineWays (no space), a fan page for Feminine Ways, a "Pampering" gift application, and more you can find under my tabs. I'm also planning on creating a page for Honeysuckle Farm there soon, as well as a Farmgirl page for any locals who want to join my MaryJane Farmgirl Chapter.
You'll see what I've been up to there...
Also, please visit my webpage:
