Sunday, March 13, 2011

Delightful Home Newsletter ~March 2006

Delightful Home Newsletter March 2006 - Issue 3

"More Cold Weather Tips"
"Peeking In On Springtime"
"Saint Patrick's Day"
"Odds & Ends"

Happy St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day was named after the patron saint of Ireland. He died on March
17, in the year of approximately 461. St. Patrick's Day has been celebrated in
America since early colonial days, since the year of 1845. America still celebrates
St. Patrick's Day in homes, schools, churches and places of entertainment.

It is said that St. Patrick used a shamrock to illustrate the idea of the Trinity to the
people of Ireland. He founded over 300 churches, and baptized over 120,000
people in the 29 years that he was in Ireland. The shamrock is the national flower
of Ireland.

We know the shamrock as a small clover plant, it usually has three leaflets,
sometimes four - which is said to bring good luck to the person who finds it.

As Christian women, we have the opportunity to keep this day alive, and share
with our families the reason we celebrate it. As with many Christian holidays such
as Christmas and Easter, we all have seen how distorted they have become, and
should do our part to continue celebrating them in a way that will honor Jesus
Christ, as well as other's who devoted their lives to Him.

I recently heard someone say that hardly anyone still refers to "Saint" Valentines Day,
and before long they will drop the Saint title from St. Patrick's Day. So now is the time
to remind our children why we celebrate this day, and hopefully our attention to this
will help keep it alive for many generations to come.

2 cans corned beef, diced in 1 inch squares
1 medium onion diced 1/4 inch
4 medium red potatoes scrubbed, diced 1/4 inch
1/4-1/2 cup water salt and pepper to taste
cooking spray or vegetable oil
Coat large skillet with oil or spray. In heated skillet, add potatoes and onions, stir-fry
until golden brown. Add corned beef, add a little water if it starts to stick. Cover, stir
occasionally to prevent sticking. Add more water if desired to make broth for serving
over rice (optional).
NOTE: Baked corned beef brisket can be substituted for canned corned beef (approx 4
lbs.) Shred or dice 1/2 of cooked brisket, and add to potatoes and onions.
PLANNED-OVER: Reheat and slice remaining brisket diagonally and serve on Kaiser
buns, or between slices of Irish Soda Bread with your favorite Bar-b-q-sauce, sliced
onions, or other condiments as desired.

Although this is traditionally a British recipe, I thought I would include it here as it is a
good potato and cabbage recipe.

1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons olive oil
8 white potatoes, baked until just tender
1 medium head cabbage
Salt and pepper to taste
Cut the cabbage in wedges, steam until barely tender. Dice the potatoes into 1 inch
squares. Heat the butter and oil in a large skillet. Add the prebaked, diced potatoes
and the steamed cabbage wedges and sauté over medium-high heat until golden
brown. Season with salt and pepper and serve hot.
NOTE: Brussel sprouts may be substituted for cabbage.

4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 to 1 1/2 cups buttermilk

Preheat the oven to 425°. Sift the flour, soda and salt together into a large mixing bowl.
Gradually add 1 cup of buttermilk, mixing with a large spoon until the dough is firm.
Shape into large ball. If the dough crumbles, add a little buttermilk, one tablespoon at a
Place the dough on a lightly floured surface, and pat and shape it into a flat round loaf
about 8 inches in diameter and 1 1/2 inches thick. Set the loaf on a lightly
greased/floured baking sheet. Cut a 1/2 inch X or cross crease from side to side into
the dough with a knife that has been dipped in water, so dough can be easily divided
into four quarters after baking.
Bake for about 45 minutes, or until the top is golden brown. Remove from the oven
and wrap in a clean linen or cotton cloth, let cool on a wire rack for about 20 minutes.

And don't forget to wear a bit 'o green! Or ye may get a pinch or two!

St. Patrick's Day is followed by the first day of Spring on Monday, March 20!!

Happy Springtime!!

Oh how we have waited for a peek of Springtime! And I must say, that we have been
blessed to have had some beautiful weather here in the Deep South for the past few
weeks. The pear trees have bloomed already, and now the Narcissus, Daffodils, Grape
Hyacinth, Periwinkle Japanese Snowball, and Old Fashioned White Iris are in full

Make a seasonal table using a green tablecloth, a pot of your favorite flowers, and
small treasures from outdoors scattered about to create a lovely reminder of this
wonderful season!

I have opened windows and doors to air out the house. I will need to clean out the
fireplace soon, to get the sootie smell from creeping into the house. I've washed
blankets and quilts. Already, I have hung clothes on the line to dry, hearing them
"snap" in the breeze! March has certainly been windy as usual, and we will probably
have another cool snap or two. But I have stored away most of our winter clothes,
jackets, sweaters, heavy blanket and quilts, etc.

TIP: Place your favorite herbs such as Rosemary, Lavender, Spearmint, Juniper or
Cedar rolled up in 2 layers of parchment paper and place between winter clothing
and blankets.

I haven't got around to taking down the curtains and drapes yet for spring-cleaning,
but will tend to that within the next week or two. Which brings me to another favorite thing to do come Springtime - switching out the dark colors of winter, for lighter colors! I love to be able to see through the windows while indoors, so I will place sheers and lace panels only, on most of the windows, with the exception of the bedrooms and bath - where I will install mini-blinds soon for privacy along with the sheers and lace panels. I will use a lace or floral valance also to dress them up a bit.

TIP: This week wash 2-3 windows per day, and clean the curtains. Switch up
curtains from one room to another if the sizes are the same. This will give us a
nice change, without spending any money.

Cleaning windows is a big chore, but one I love to do!! There is nothing nicer than
shiny, squeaky clean windowpanes!

1/2 cup of ammonia
1 gallon water
Several old newspapers
Mix in a big plastic bowl, swooshing around to make suds. Dip cotton cloth and wring
out thoroughly. Wipe down inside and outside of windows. Rinse well and buff with a
piece of wadded up newspaper.
NOTE: White vinegar may be substituted for the ammonia. But ammonia is very good
for cutting dust, grease and grime. This same recipe can be used for washing light
fixtures, mini-blinds, what-nots, etc. DO NOT used on painted items or surfaces.

Make a list of things to do that won't cost any money, to spruce up your home, and
bring a little bit 'o sunshine as well as Springtime into our homes!

Graphics compliments of: Norbert's Linkables

©Common Law Copyright - Gaylynn Y. Cooper - 2005 - 2012

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